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Discretion and the EU agencies’ constitutive powers
Joana Mendes is Professor of Comparative Administrative Law since [...]
International soft law in the EU external action on migration
Paula Garcia Andrade is an Associate Professor of [...]
The Separation of Powers and Its Control by Courts in the Field of Economic and Monetary Union
Dr. René Repasi is Professor of International and European [...]
Shifting executive power in EU migration policy
Executive power in migration has been shifting towards [...]
Seeing Power: EU Executive Technocracy in Crisis
Deirdre Curtin is Joint Chair Professor of European [...]
The European Council: Above and Outside the EU’s Separation of Powers?
Bruno de Witte is professor of European Union [...]
The social foundations of the separation of powers: integrating concept and context
"When and why does one institution yield to another? [...]
The Place of Politics in the Concept of Separated Powers
Professor Christoph Möllers