Prof. Dr. Florian Trauner is a Director of the Research Centre for Migration, Diversity and Justice and holds the Jean Monnet Chair ‘EXPAND – Explaining Resilience in EU Justice and Home Affairs’. His research is interested in the European integration process with a focus on EU asylum, migration, forcible return and counter-terrorism policies (including the linkages between European home affairs policies and foreign affairs/external relations). This lecture will elaborate on the dynamics of EU decision-making relating to migration control and return policy.
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The EU is interested in returning migrants found ineligible to stay in Europe. This is an objective widely shared by EU member states – it was even presented as a key element of the new EU Pact on Migration and Asylum presented by the Commission in September 2020. Still, the decision-making process have become more challenging and contested. The Commission wants EU member state to show solidarity among one another by taking up ‘EU return sponsorships’. This idea is opposed by a range of member states. Furthermore, the EU policy is highly depended on the cooperation of third countries, which is often difficult to achieve. This lecture will elaborate on the dynamics of EU decision-making relating to migration control and return policy.