The SepaRope conference will be held at the University of Gothenburg.
Organised by Christina Eckes, Anna Wallerman Ghavanini and Päivi Leino-Sandberg
Video recording of the Keynote lecture given by Professor Urska Sadl (EUI) on 2nd June 2022. ”The European Court of Justice as a Discreet Law-Maker”
Welcome 9.30 Anna W Ghavanini & Christina Eckes
Panel 1: Trade 9.45–11.15
Chair and Discussant: Andreas Moberg
Christina Eckes and Anne Thies: Separation of powers and the Conglomerate of the EU and the MSs in EU External Relations
Graham Butler: Commission v Council: The Shaping of Separation of Powers in EU External Relations by the CJEU
Panel 2: Migration 11.45-13.15
Chair and Discussant: Ester Herlin-Karnell
Davide Gnes and Milka Sormunen: Learning through rejection? Studying informalisation of EU readmission policy through access to documents requests
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini: A friend in need: How crisis affects the CJEU’s interinstitutional relations
Allison Östlund (title tbc)
Keynote 14.15-15.15
Urska Sadl: The European Court of Justice as a Discreet Law-Maker
Chair and Discussant: Marta Božina Beroš
Marta Morvillo: Beyond standing: the CJEU and public interest litigants in risk regulation cases
Antti Ronkainen: Broader mandates through stricter boundaries? Institutional work and the European Central Bank’s public sector asset purchase programmes
Cristina Fasone (title tbc)