Team Amsterdam
Christina Eckes
Christina Eckes is professor of European law at the University of Amsterdam and director of the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG).
Laurens Ankersmit
Laurens Ankersmit is Assistant Professor European Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Amsterdam. His research focusses on environmental aspects of international and European economic law.
Nik de Boer
Nik de Boer is Assistant Professor in Constitutional Law at the Amsterdam Law School. His research focuses on constitutional law, EU law and political theory.
Davide Gnes
Davide Gnes is a post-doctoral researcher at ACELG in the context of the project “Separation of Powers for 21st Century Europe” (Separope).
Piotr Krajewski
Piotr Krajewski is a PhD Researcher at the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG). Piotr works within the framework of the project ‘Separation of Powers for 21st Century Europe’ (SepaRope).
Annette Schrauwen
Annette Schrauwen holds a chair of European Integration, in particular citizenship law and history, at the University of Amsterdam.
Maria Weimer
Maria Weimer is associate professor of EU law and regulation at the Law Faculty of the University of Amsterdam and a senior researcher at the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG) and the interdisciplinary Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES).
Maarten den Heijer
Maarten den Heijer is assistant professor of international law at the Amsterdam Center for International Law. He is vice-chairman of the Meijers Committee and deputy judge at the court of Utrecht.
Marta Morvillo
Marta Morvillo is an Assistant professor in European legal and economic governance at the Department of European Studies, University of Amsterdam.
Team Gothenburg
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini is associate professor of EU law at the University of Gothenburg and a member of the Centre for European Research (CERGU). She conducts research on procedural and constitutional law and judicial politics.
Martin Westlund
Martin Westlund is a doctoral student in EU law at the University of Gothenburg. He studies the role and impact of the European Court of Justice in EU migration law.
Allison Östlund
Allison Östlund, Ph.D. and lecturer at the School of Public Administration of the University of Gothenburg, has as main research area EU and procedural law. Her primary research topic is ex officio review as proxy for procedural justice for vulnerable litigants in a Swedish and European context.
Hannes Lenk
Hannes Lenk is assistant professor of law at the University of Aarhus and member of the Centre for European Research (CERGU). His research focuses on the EU as a global actor, and in particular EU foreign investment and trade policy.
Team Helsinki
Päivi Leino-Sandberg
Päivi Leino-Sandberg is Professor of Transnational European Law, University of Helsinki and Director of its new Master’s Programme in Global Governance Law.
Milka Sormunen
My expertise includes constitutional law, human rights law and European law, with a focus on the rights and legal status of vulnerable or disadvantaged groups, especially children and migrants.
Maarten Zbigniew Hillebrandt
Maarten Hillebrandt is postdoctoral researcher at the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights where he is involved in a research project on the transparency of EU decision making.
Daniel Naurin
Daniel Naurin is professor of political science at the University of Oslo and director of ARENA Centre for European Studies.
René Repasi
René Repasi is a Professor of International and European Union Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Florin Coman-Kund
Florin Coman-Kund is Assistant Professor in European Union Law at the Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Piet Eeckhout
Piet Eeckhout is Professor of EU Law, Dean of the UCL Faculty of Laws, and Academic Director of the European Institute.
Deirdre Curtin
Deirdre Curtin is Joint Chair Professor of European Union Law at the Department of Law and Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute